
Hello my friends, fiends, and foes.  If you are reading this page it’s probably because you are in some way interested about who is writing these blog posts.

My name is Jesse Labrocca. I am a Las Vegas resident transplanted from New York City but raised in the midwest (Minnesota).  I have 4 wonderful children which I take care of as a stay-at-home dad. It’s a daily adventure which I am sure will create a lot of interesting blog posts.

I have been married since 1996 so as of this post that’s 12 years.  I can whole-heartedly say I am happily married too.  Something that many can’t say because they don’t place the efforts.  I will save more comments for some long drawn out blog post that you will in all likelihood hate.

I spend my days on the internet building websites, looking to buy or sell domains, and taking care of my kids.  I drink moderately, gamble a bit, and generally enjoy my daily life right now.  We all have stress but I feel I have a good balance of fun as well.

I was born in 1970 which makes me an 80’s kid in many ways.  Loved the era of music and movies but I very much appreciate the classic music of the 70’s too.  Lately all I want to hear is classic rock.  It could just be a phase though.

This is probably the best attempt I have made yet to have a blog.  After a failed blogger site and a couple half-hearted attempts with a couple other ideas I found the domain vBum for sale at Namepros.   That’s a site I visit and participate nearly daily.  I couldn’t resist the name and ended up being high bidder for around $300.  I love the name. It describes me pretty well and I feel I can write about anything here. The freedom of that appeals to me.

Thank you for reading this page and I hope you click my RSS feed to get updates.

Don't I even look like a bum?

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